Thursday, October 31, 2019

Purpose for Educational Leadership Personal Statement

Purpose for Educational Leadership - Personal Statement Example With my master degree, I was credited with 3 Advanced Certificates in Management from the same university, to wit: Advanced Certificate in Information Management, Advanced Certificate in Telecommunication Management, and Advanced Certificate in Human Resource. My interest in educational leadership is an expected offshoot of an increased awareness in contemporary leadership theories gained from human resources management courses. I have started to remunerate on the development of leadership theories through time – mostly focusing on leadership styles and perspectives on motivating one’s followers. Despite the enormous amounts of theoretical framework on guidelines for effective leadership, there still exist conflicts in organizations that could not be resolved by the so-called leaders who have supposedly gained so much expertise on the field of human behavior in organizations which highlight modules on managing conflict, change, culture, diversity, and teamwork, among others. My educational background equipped me with conceptual frameworks on management and technology. I am aware that the history of education has evolved from a curriculum comprising of a simple theoretical framework to the complex structure we have today. The development of technology opened a whole spectrum of information and educational opportunities which enhanced the capabilities of individuals. Murphy, (2002) averred that â€Å"school leaders, educational administration faculty, and policymakers are endeavouring to redefine the profession in an era of ferment, during which the legitimacy of its knowledge base and the appropriateness of programs for preparing school leaders have been thrown into question†. More and more educational programs and institutions opt to apply leadership theories for diverse reasons. In this regard, I am interested to look into the increasing incidents for educational institutions’ use of adjunct faculty to augment teaching needs and requirements, not duly supported by full-time faculty members.     

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ancient Commerce in China Essay Example for Free

Ancient Commerce in China Essay 1- The route The Silk Road, or Silk Route, is the most famous and important historically trading route of ancient Chinese civilization. This historical network of interlinking, with more than 4000 miles, between East, South, Western Asia with the Mediterranean and European world, as well as parts of North and East Africa began to be used under the Han Dynasty (202 BC – AD 220). Originally, the Chinese trade silk occurred internally within the empire, but the caravans were often attacked by central Asian tribes, hoping to find some valuable commodities. In order to protect these caravans, the Han Dynasty extended its military defenses further into Central Asia. Later came the idea to expand the silk trade to central Asia. Silk Road extension: The land routes are red, and the water routes are blue Source: 2- Name and Purpose The Silk Road gets its name from the lucrative Chinese silk trade that was the major reason to sustain the route for so wide area. Some scholars prefer the term â€Å"Silk Routes† because of the several network of routes existed there. Trading silk was not the only purpose of the Silk Road, many other commodities were also traded. In addition to silk the route carried other precious goods like gold and other precious metals, ivory, precious stones and glass, exotic animals and plants were trade as well. Indeed the silk was the most remarkable goods, mainly among the Romans, it became very popular in Rome for its soft texture and attractiveness making the Romans sees the route mainly as a Silk Route. Although this fact, the name â€Å"Silk Road† originated in the nineteenth century, coined by the German scholar, von Richthofen. 3- Routes The intercontinental Silk Road had two different overland routes bypassing the Taklimakan Desert and Lop Nur. The northern route started at Changan (now called Xian), the capital of the ancient Chinese Kingdom, which, in the Later Han, was moved further east to Luoyang. The route was defined about the 1st century BCE as Han Wudi put an end to harassment by nomadic tribes The southern route was mainly a single route running from China, through the Karakoram, where it persists to modern times as the international paved road connecting Pakistan and China as the Karakoram Highway. It then set off westwards, but with southward spurs enabling the journey to be completed by sea from various points. Crossing the high mountains, it passed through northern Pakistan, over the Hindu Kush mountains, and into Afghanistan, rejoining the northern route near Merv. From there, it followed a nearly straight line west through mountainous northern Iran, Mesopotamia and the northern tip of the Syrian Desert to the Levant, where Mediterranean trading ships plied regular routes to Italy, while land routes went either north through Anatolia or south to North Africa. Another branch road traveled from Herat through Susa to Charax Spasinu at the head of the Persian Gulf and across to Petra and on to Alexandria and other eastern Mediterranean ports from where ships carried the cargoes to Rome. The Silk Road in the 1st century Source: 4- Mongol Age In central Asia, Islam expanded from the 7th century onward, bringing a stop to Chinese westward expansion at the Battle of Talas in 751. Further expansion of the Islamic Turks in Central Asia from the 10th century finished disrupting trade in that part of the world. For a long time during the Middle Ages, the Islamic Caliphate often had a monopoly over much of the trade conducted across the route. Under the command of Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire rapidly proceeded to conquer a huge region of Asia, the Mongol expansion throughout the Asian continent from around 1207 to 1360 helped to bring political and stability and re-establish the Silk Road. The partial unification of so many states under the Mongol Empire allowed a significant interaction between cultures of different regions. The trading started to happen again and the route became important as path for communication between different parts of the Empire once more. The Mongols, in general, were more open to ideas, more sympathetic to different religions and nationalities promoting the trading. Around 1288, the Venetian explorer Marco Polo became one of the first Europeans to travel the Silk Road to China, he was not the first, however, the most well known and best documented visitor. In his tales, The Travels of Marco Polo, he describes the way of life in the cities and small kingdoms through which his party passed, with particular interest on the trade and marriage customs, opening the western eyes to some of the customs of the Far East. 5- The Peak, Decline and the Sea Route In seventh century, the Silk Route had its height of importance at this time during the Tang dynasty China was a living a relative stability after the divisions of the earlier dynasties since the Han. The art and civilization of the Silk Road achieved its highest poin in the Tang Dynasty. Changan, as the starting point of the route, as well as the capital of the dynasty, developed into one of the largest and most cosmopolitan cities of the time. By 742 A.D its population reached almost two million people and in 754 A.D it had around five thousand foreigners living in the city. During the Mongol Empire as mentioned before, the route established a new good period but despite the presence of the Mongols, the route never reached the heights that it did in the Tang dynasty. Furthermore, with the disintegration of the Mongol empire, that was fairly short-lived, the barriers rose again on the land route between East and West. After the Mongol Empire, the control of the Silk Road became economically and culturally separated. The demise of the Silk Road developed the Silk Route by sea at that time it was becoming easier and safer to transport goods by water than overland (Later however, the sea route suffered a lot of problems like bad weather and pirates). Beside this the sea route passed by promising new markets in Southern Asia at that time. The commerce with China and Asia at that time was very profitable and this situation is significantly important in explaining several factors about the present economy. It was the main driving factor for the Portuguese, and later Europeans, explorations of the Indian Ocean, including the sea of China. 6- Nowadays The last link along the Silk Road was completed in 1990, when the railway connecting Lanzhou to Urumchi was extended to the border with Kazakhstan, providing an important route to the new republics and beyond. Beside this the trade route itself is also being reopened, trading between the peoples of Xinjiang and Russia has developed quickly. The new republics in Central Asia have been contributing much of the heavy industry of the region. Trade with China has also utilized the route it was encouraged by the socialist market economy and its benefits to the market. 7- Conclusion The Silk Road played a key role in the development of the ancient economy in Asia, especially in China, In China it was the main responsible to significantly increase the number of foreign merchants present in China under the Han Dynasty and exposing the Chinese and visitors to their country to different cultures and religions. Buddhism spread from India to China because of trade along the Silk Route. This route was very important in foreign trade, during all history of civilization in the last 1200 years, placing China and India, and all East Asia, in a major role for contact with the western world in a time when this region was isolated by deserts and oceans. During the Mongol Empire, based on the Mongol’s idea of liberty about different religions and cultures, once more, the route had a very important role in the foreign trade and culture exchange between Asia countries and some countries of Europe and Africa as well. Later, the great population and the varieties of products attracted the European interest (economic center of the world at that time), by sea several expeditions in order to explore the commerce in that region change the course of the world, affecting the Americas and Africa as well Asia, being decisive in the current political, economic and social aspects of several countries in these continents.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Procurement Of Contruction Services Construction Essay

Procurement Of Contruction Services Construction Essay INTRODUCTION: The construction industry deals with great number of various trades and professions acting in harmony has historically always endow with risk for insurers and customers. This involves professional risks of architects, consulting engineers and risks of contractors and subcontractors that may lead to risk of professional indemnity, public and employers liability claims. The construction is engulfed a lot physical risks connected with construction sites and their hazards like structural collapse, fire, theft and vandalism. However, to create a good environment for transparency and consistency in the management of construction risks there is need for legal contracts that guide the construction services. According to (Odeh Battaineh 2002) the successful execution of construction projects and keeping them within estimated cost and prescribed schedules depend on a methodology that requires sound engineering judgement. The uses of different form of contracts have helped in recovery of payme nt, facilities payment and resolution of disputes in the construction industry. It has lead to efficient provision for payments to contractors and subcontractors. However, this coursework discussed the four types of contract that can be used to the housing association. Also, point out the benefits that may derive from the contracts and the most suitable one for housing association. Furthermore, explained with example on how New Engineering Contract (NEC3) might be suitable for adoption by the housing association and showed the suitable form of contract the housing association can reduce their maintenance construction contract costs. Finally, this coursework tended suggestions on how the organisation can reposition itself without be affected for future consultancy commission with regards to the housing association contract and conclusion. A: FOUR TYPES OF CONTRACT AND THEIR BENEFIT FOR HOUSING ASSOCIATION: 1: COST PLUS OR REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACTS 2: ALL-IN OR TURNKEY CONTRACTS 3: LUMP-SUM CONTRACTS 4: ADMEASUREMENT CONTRACTS COST PLUS OR REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT: In this type contract, the contract sum is determined before construction work is started. Under this type of contract the contractor accepts a defined amount of work in return for agreed sum. Contracts with quantities are priced on the basis of drawings and a firm bill of quantities .Contracts with quantities are priced on the basis of drawing and another document -usually a specification or work schedules. Besides that, during the contract the amount added to cover overheads and profit can be a fixed sum, a percentage or may be on reimbursement basis. This type of contract specify the labour rates to be charged on project and insurance cost is another productive area for hidden add up to in the name of reimbursing costs. This type of contract projected to avoid this automatic risk premium to the contractor (DJC, 2006).finally, according to (Haswell De silva ,1982) the contract came into existence during the first world war and deals with target time incentives for completion on tim e that is accepted for contracts subject to target costs. According to (OReilly 1999) Cost reimbursements enable to start work before the design is finalised. It has maximum contracting flexibility and can fast track easier. This type contract there is less owner management needed and accept competitive bidding on total scope. Cost reimbursement contracts always compensate the consulting firm based on the actual number of hours worked and other direct costs involve and the contract always contain a cost ceiling. ALL-IN OR TURNKEY CONTRACTS: According to (Haswell De silva ,1982) this is the type of contract where the client asks the contractor to tender all in bid or turnkey bid, that involves the provision of the job, both the design. This type of contract is acknowledge well and applied in many part of Europe, USA than in the UK and the consulting engineer plays little part in the civil engineering industry than in the UK.This type of contract the civil engineering is likely to make a substantial profit in the project. Turnkey contract are familiar with most of the customer and several analysts continue to suggest that significant number, if not the majority, of major constructions will henceforth be executed under this contractual framework .Besides that, the client can design and construct based on his / her choice without any external body, consulting engineer and contractor. According to (Dagenais, 2003) stated that the benefit is the client transacts with a single supplier for with regards to both design and execu tion of the project that simplifies its management It helps to accelerate the project, since construction can begin even before the design process is completed. Also in Turnkey contract the client can benefit from the skills of the constructor earlier in project. However, it possible to reduce eliminates the change orders during the project. However, fewer disputes are likely to occur and, if they do will be easier to resolve. . LUMP-SUM CONTRACTS: This is types of contract deals with the total costs to produce a project, together with the overhead, builder profit and any extras that the project owner specifies. After the project the builder is responsible for delivering the project under the guaranteed cost. According to (Haswell De silva ,1982) stated that alterations on lump- sum contract are expensive and follows the same line with admeasurements contract. Lump sum contract is highly acceptable to mortgage companies and this type of contract grant the builder experience to know time frame, cost to guarantee his client for the project. Lump sum is close to fixed price than other system of computing the price and is favourable for employers ask for price certainty (OReilly 1999). This type of contract there is a smaller amount risky for both the housing association and the Consultant. Lump -sum contract is most commonly used form of contract for architectural services. There is a clear understanding of the end product before construction begins in the project. The use of Lump sum contracts are generally accepted in the building industry and are well suited to small, medium or single trade projects. However, Lump sum contracts are not presently favoured for very big projects. In this type contract the design advice is independent of the builder .This is because of the extensive time required to complete documentation before any work can commence. For example many building project in Victoria Australian have been delivered through applying lump sum contract. ADMEASUREMENT CONTRACTS: According to (Haswell De silva ,1982) this type of contract involves the Bill of Quantities where detailed lists of all items of work required to be carried out with approximate quantities are prepared and the Schedule of Rates deals with comprehensive list of the various items of work to be carried out. A schedule of rates is frequently used where the degree of works has not been or cannot be completely determined. It deals with contingency sums and provisional sums for works not fully identified in the Bills. This type of contract the contractor is paid for the amount of actual work he does and a fair basis for payment because of freedom for the alteration of work. The Schedule of Rates contract expressly rejects any revision of the rates quoted by the contractor except where the tender sum has been exceeded by a certain percentage. The important difference between these types of admeasured contract is that in the Bill of Quantities contract the total Contract Sum is the Tender Sum which is given in respect of a fixed measure of work as set out in the Bills of Quantities, whereas in the Schedule of Rates contract the total Contract Sum can be calculated only upon completion of the contract. FROM ABOVE, ADMEASUREMENTS CONTRACT IS THE MOST SUITABLE TO THE HOUSING ASSOCIATION: Admeasurements contract use of Bill of Quantities facilitates competitive tendering and evaluation of changes in the work condition. While Schedule of Rates will be useful with regards of maintenance of project to housing association. However, most contractors in the UK are well-known with this type of contract and therefore are in a position to price the work in a fair and rational manner to the housing association (Haswell De silva ,1982).furthermore, in admeasurements the unit rates tendered by contractor to individual items is fixed in the project and tender knows the conception of the work that has do with way of bills. This type of contract will provide the housing association separate bills of preliminaries, day works and general items. B: HOW NEC3 MIGHT BE SUITABLE TO THE HOUSING ASSOCIATION. The New Engineering Contract 3 known as (NEC3) is the most recent used contract for UK civil engineering projects and most part the world engineering projects.NEC3 is a family of contract that make possible the execution of sound project management principles and exercise significant legal relationships.NEC3 provides suitable environment for procurement of works ,supply and services. This is to ensure efficiency and value of construction projects is essential for civil engineers in the recent economic environment. This helps to ensure the projects are delivered on time and within budget. The NEC3 is recent day family of standards contracts that accept the concept of partnership and promotes designers, both the project managers and contractors work mutually to meet up with up customers aims. According to Humphrey Lloyd the best barrister with regards to construction law experts in world recommend the NEC3 as the suitable law contracts for construction services in the world -wide use. Through his recommendation, NEC3 has rapidly used in more than 20 countries of the world based the application of NEC3 in British and South African government. According to Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) recommends NEC3 to public sector organisation with regards to construction services due to its use to encourage high-quality management system between parties involves in contracts. Also it is an understandable, straightforward document and applied in a wide variety of commercial situations. It helps to satisfy and meet up with clients target aims for all projects with regards to cost, time factor, quality and performance. The NEC3 also is recommended by the office of Government commerce for construction services and both public sector and government make use of it. For example, the London Olympics 2012, Channel Tunnel High Speed and Nuclear Decommissioning Authority sites used NEC3.The NEC3 is more suitable to the housing association due to the first and second editions have no provisions to deal with force majeure situations known as unforeseen events causing problems to a project site that may lead to delay of time or from being finished. For example, if a building catch shortly ahead of completion. The insurance may cover up the repair, but their no effect of delay to completion the new NEC3.Under clause 19 NEC3 the Engineering and construction contract grant project managers power to take care of unforeseen event that may stop employers main aim and the project contractor is permitted for compensation for event and its consequences with regards to time and money. The NEC3 will enable the housing association to discover, allocate and handle risk. Under NEC3 options C and D will enable the housing association know what to pay and when to pay it, for example during low inflation, they pay for goods based on the up to date market rates. Under option A provides the project with maximum certainty of price for the employer .under option E enable the contra ctor to face risk on price. While option F deals with cost reimbursable contract in so far that the employer and not the contractor bears the risk on the costs of the works contract. The NEC3 will deliberate to give consistency in the application of its core clauses and its compensation events to the housing association. The options are there prevent disputes for the contract and it permits termination at will for all the main options. However, the NEC3 is flexible and it has six main options to choose from the options to suit the housing association. C: HOW USING A SUITABLE FORM OF CONTRACT THE HOUSING ASSOCIATION CAN REDUCE THEIR MAINTENANCE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT COSTS: According to Sir Michael Latham defined PPC200 as the full Monty of partnering and modern best practice. This is type of contract that deals with multi-party contract and founded by Association of Consultant Architects. This makes available the foundation for the partnering procedure and can be used in any type partnered project of construction services through advice of legal procedure. The PPC200 adopted radical ideas invented by the construction industry council partnering task force that guide Project Team Partnering. It is used by partnering teams that involved various project in public and private sectors From my understanding, the use PPC2000 will be suitable for the housing association to reduce their maintenance construction contract costs due to high level of integration of entire project team under a single multi-party contract and covers the entire duration of the procurement process. For example, the Joint Initiatives and Strategic Alliances under Clause 23.1 set the general key performance indicator (KPI) regime as follows: The Partnering team members shall use reasonable skill and care, within the scope of their agreed roles, expertise and responsibilities and in accordance with the partnering Document, to achieve their respective target as set out in the KPIs. Under Clause 18.1 the risk management the Partnering Team members recognise the risks involved in the design, supply and construction of the project and the costs associated with those risks for efficient maintenance construction contract costs. Also Risk management is specifically addressed with the facility to alloca te the share of risks appropriate to each team member. Besides that, the Clause 4.1 and 4.2 deals with good provision to maintenance costs. For example, Clause 4.2 states measurable continuous improvement by reference to the target and the KPIs.while Clause 4.1 states improved efficiency, cost- effectives, lean product and elimination of waste. There is tremendous mutual understanding between the Partner team member and the KPIs to reduce capital cost and whole list costs reduce accident and reduce the design, supply and construction time under Clause 4.1.PPC200 involves specialists contractors with regards to supply chain and construction processes. There is no provision for liquidated damages with the establishment of a core group. Also the core group helps to check the early warning system system for problems and reviews performance and progress to reduce maintenance construction contract costs. Under clause 6 of PPC200 provides the partnering timetables to direct all partnering team members to partnered performances, prices and supply chain and development of designs. D: SUGGESTION ON HOW MY ORGANISATION COULD REPOSITION ITSELF WITH REGARDS TO FUTURE CONSULTANCY COMMISSION TO THE HOUSING ASSOCIATION. Reposition of procurement strategy: The procurement strategy classifies the suitable way of achieving the aims of the project and value for money, through taking account of the risks involved and constraints, leading to decisions about the funding technique and asset ownership for the project. The objective of a procurement strategy is to accomplish the optimum balance of risk, funding and control to the housing association. Reposition of procurement route: The procurement route delivers the procurement strategy with regards to future to housing association. It comprises the contract strategy that will best meet the housing association needs. An incorporated procurement route ensures that design, operation, construction and maintenance are considered as a whole; it also ensures that the delivery teamwork together as an incorporated project team. Reposition of contract Strategy: the contract strategy decides the level of integration of design, construction and ongoing maintenance to the housing association, and should support the main project objectives in terms of risk allocation, delivery and other problems. There are many different contract strategies to meet up achieving Excellence principles of integration to the housing association. CONCULSION: Despite, the application of NEC3 form of contract as most suitable, I still believe other forms contract is suitable to procurement of construction services and the housing association. For example; PPC2000 was used on over  £9billion of UK construction services by 2004 and has been used in the Middle East on most of the construction services. According to RIDC survey; found that JCT contracts are used in 85% of most construction project.JCT contracts maintain big share in the market despite the increasing use of the NEC3 form of contract in construction projects. Much new building work is done under the JCT 2005 contract which has substitute JCT 1998 contract and is well understood by subcontractor. However, traditional contract is essential with regards to understand the problems and complexities of construction contracts through evaluating the relationship between the employer and the engineer, is easily to understand the obstacles that other forms of procurement try to resolve. In traditional contract, the absence of a warranty there is no contractual relationship between the employer and subcontractor and suppliers of goods and services and the third parties do not have contractual rights. It encourages little cost and time guaranteed. Besides, converting the worlds infrastructure over the coming decades to smooth the progress of a low -carbon -dioxide economy will involve clients and suppliers to have genuine confidence in long -term outcomes and returns. Through trustworthy standardised contracts that sustain project management costs down and project on track. Finally, it need global and updated information on contract status to ensure operated minimum delay and cost are properly controlled REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHY Barse P.(2006) The JCT 05 standard building, sub-contract, UK. Blackwell LTD Brain E. (2009) The NCE3 Engineering and Construction Contract: A Commentary.(UK ) 2nd ed .Oxford Dagenais D. (2003) Construction law and Surety Bonds, Turnkey contracts- the clients perspective Haswell C. Silva D. (1982) Civil Engineering Contracts;Practice and Procedure. England ;Butterworth co Ltd Odeh M. Battaineh H. (2002) Causes of Construction Delay: Traditional Contracts 67 -73 OReilly M. (1999) Civil Engineering Construction Contracts, London 2nd ed , Thomas Telford Publishing Issara N. Rycroff. M. (2000)The JCT 05 Standard building Contract. Law and Adminisraction.2nd ed. Elsesiet LTD. The Daily Journal of Commerce, (2005) Cost Plus contract true costs no obvious,Portland.oregon. [last accessed on 10th Nov 2010] [last accessed 12th Nov 2010] [last accessed 13th Nov 2010] [last accessed 13th Nov 2010] [last accessed 13th Nov 2010] [last accessed 15th Nov 2010] [last accessed 22th NOV 2010]

Friday, October 25, 2019

Veitnam War :: War, History, Politics

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vietnam War   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When most people hear the words Vietnam, what does it make them think about? The main answer most people come up with is death, or policing actions of the United States. The Vietnam War wasn’t about death it was about the French Colonial Rule of South Vietnam.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Vietnam War was the legacy of Frances failure to suppress nationalist forces in Indochina as it struggled to restore its colonial dominion after World War II.† This is the start of Vietnam War. This is also one way that America was brought into the conflict of Vietnam.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The war was further escalated by North Vietnam trying to go in South Vietnam and turn them into a communist nation. Then America was brought more deeply into Vietnam as a policing effort to stop communism. â€Å"Military leaders viewed the Vietnam War as the Chinese doctrine of revolutionary war in action, (using Chinese and Russian arms to boot.)†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States had a geopolitical aim, they were to try and contain the spread of communism. This is one of the main reasons for America to go to Vietnam, to help stop the spread of communism the â€Å"United States supported the anti-communist regime known as the Republic of Vietnam,† or South Vietnam. The United States was in Vietnam to stop the North Vietnam communism movement by means of the U.S. staring air raids in the country. â€Å" Despite the U.S. military aid, heavy bombing, the growing U.S. troop commitment, and some political stability in South Vietnam after the election, the two countries were still unable to defeat the Viet Cong and North Vietnam forces.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Scholarly Article

Yak's Mason Scholarly Article Assignment In â€Å"Crime, Guilt, and Subjectivity in Film Nor, Winfred Flock argues that Film Noir â€Å"opens our eyes to the ‘true' state of American society† 1 by not masking true human emotion in a situation where survival is not certain. He implies that it shows the protagonist struggle with desire and selfishness in a light that had not been shown before in American cinema and is the root of why Film Noir transcends time and remains a popular genre.He adds that the popularity of genre is rooted partly due to the fact that it is the antithesis of the films mainstream Hollywood was putting out at the time; the sunny and cheery tones were in stark contrast with Film Noirs â€Å"dark† and â€Å"atmospheric†2 overtones. I agree with Flock but would add that the success and everlasting nature of Film Noir is also due to the fact that it allows the viewer to personify with a protagonist that has faults and shortcomings just li ke themselves and hat the selfishness the protagonist exhumes in times of scrutiny is relatable to the audience in opposed to the typical morally perfect hero of the time.I would add that Film Noir paved the way for TV and Holly. Wood's current obsession of providing a anti-hero who is morally flawed selfish in shows such as Breaking Bad, House of Cards, and movies such as Wolf of Wall Street. Overall, Film Noir remains popular and has a lasting appeal largely due to the depths and nuances of the main protagonist, as well as the difference teens the atmospheric tones against the cheery light-heartiness of conventional Holly. DOD. It is also necessary to observe how Film Noir paved the way for the medium and story telling as a whole for later generations.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Important Time in My Life Essay

There comes a time in our lives where we all have to face important decisions and challenges maybe taking examinations or starting a new job. For me, going to secondary school was an important time and was a big challenge. This can be a stressful and nerve racking experience for any eleven year old, unlike most of the people that started my school I didn’t know many people from my previous primary school, so they already had foundations and memories and did not really have to make new friends as importantly as I did. There was only 9 people in my year 6 and 7 went to the same school as I did. Before I knew it the six weeks holiday was over and the morning arrived with the new shoes and the shiny black blazer. Then I had to be walked to school by my Mum. I was reluctant to leave the comfort of knowing somebody but somehow found that extra confidence to walk into the school hall full of strangers. Luckily for me I attended football on Fridays and Saturday mornings and there was a boy from there. I straight away went and sat next to him and was very relieved. Little did I know we were sectioned off into forms and I had humiliated myself by walking into the other form’s turf instead of my own heroic Miss Watson form. After having a sixth form girl come show me the correct way in front of everyone and show me to my rightful place, I found that people started to come and talk to me and one girl especially called Jasmine who was also alone, started making conversation. I thought I would be able to stick with her the rest of the day, especially when our names were called out together for being in the same form. We spent the morning meeting our tutors and taking part in activities and games in order to get to know each other. As we were learning more and more about each other, I was fairly confident by lunch time I had made a friend in Jasmine, and got over being alone on my first day. Although, as I soon found out, Jasmine had got friends in other houses and forgetting me she soon ran off to go meet and play with them. I was too shy to go after her and introduce myself to a whole new group of people, instead I just stood against a wall by myself as I did not know what else to do or where to go. Looking back on this now I would never just stand against a wall by myself watching everybody making friends and enjoying their lunch time but at the time my shyness took over and that was it. Time passed slowly and there was still half an hour to go before I could be in the comfort of the classroom with the people I recognized again. I then got through the first day of an  important time of my life. Why was it important? Because it kick started my road to getting a higher education and making friends.